
Showing posts from January, 2022

My Top 5 Anime Waifus (Spoilers ahead duh)

 Number 5: Mai Sakurajima - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai     Mai-San has all the makings of a top-tier Waifu with the added bonus of the anime not actually waiting till the very end to show their main love interests in an actual relationship. The first three episodes of Bunny Girl Senpai honestly feel like they could have been a standalone film and the rest of the show is an added treat on top. Mai-San is the perfect example of successfully balancing both a demanding career and a relationship and that earns her a position as a true waifu. Number 4: Kurisu Makise - Steins;Gate      The story of Christina is one of endless support, so much of what makes a Waifu good is the quality of her relationship with the main character and throughout the chronological three weeks in which Steins;Gate takes place she is a rock in which the suffering protagonist Okabe can rely on unquestioningly. Her personality, that of a brilliant scientist willing to indul...