
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Agony and the Ecstacy of Dragon Age Inquisition

     The year is 2013. I had up to that point in my life never considered myself an avid video gamer, sure I would buy the yearly installments of FIFA like a good little boy and sprinkle in a WWE game or something but I was never the type to actively invested in a video game. That all changed when I happened upon my crush playing Dragon Age 2, so I had the brilliant idea of learning everything I could about this game in a juvenile way to impress her. So I started from scratch playing Dragon Age: Origins, and then you could say that was the beginning of my life. I played it, and devoured it like a starving man wanting food, moved on to Dragon Age 2 was a bit let down but that was ok because the new game was right around the corner in just.... a year. I distinctly remember googling "how many days till Nov 18 2014?" about 40 or 50 times, it wasn't an exaggeration to say this game mattered more to me than life itself. When I finally got my hands on the game (deluxe edition), ...

Some Policy Ideas

       I thought as a fun exercise, I would put out there some policy ideas and a brief summary.  Brezhnev-style housing - Have the government build a few hundred thousand of these eye-sore apartment blocks, it doesn't have to be pretty but there is immediate need for an alleviation of the housing crisis and this would provide immediate relief for millions of people in need of homes. This could also be coupled with a law declaring that no individual or company can legally declare ownership of more than two private residences which would strike a lethal blow to the heart of parasitic landlordism.  Food Stamps Reform - Limiting what could be used on a Food Stamps card to fresh fruits and vegetables, canned foods and cereal will go a long way towards reducing the obesity crisis in this country especially child obesity. Welfare has been wildly abused and has become nothing more than an indirect subsidy to the Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola companies. There s...

The Legacy of Gorbachev

    A month has passed since the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, one of the last remaining great leaders of the 20th century. In what was a predictable scene reactions were mostly muted in Russia while in the west there was a mourning of the "great reformer" the man who ended the Cold War. I didn't really know what to make of this phenomenon, is this the most base kind of cynicism I wondered, to celebrate a politician so corrosive to an adversary that it caused them to collapse. Would it be like France sending a wreath to the funeral of Henry VI to honor such an own-goal of a king. But then it occurred to me that it might not be cynicism but an extreme form of naivete among the press, in the belief that of course liberal democracy must be so correct and true that Gorbachev was a crypto-liberal that was some sort of Buddha who nobly sacrificed his own nation to save the world from Marxism and as thus is one for humanity.      I suppose the later view is somethin...