Some Policy Ideas
I thought as a fun exercise, I would put out there some policy ideas and a brief summary.
Brezhnev-style housing - Have the government build a few hundred thousand of these eye-sore apartment blocks, it doesn't have to be pretty but there is immediate need for an alleviation of the housing crisis and this would provide immediate relief for millions of people in need of homes. This could also be coupled with a law declaring that no individual or company can legally declare ownership of more than two private residences which would strike a lethal blow to the heart of parasitic landlordism.
Food Stamps Reform - Limiting what could be used on a Food Stamps card to fresh fruits and vegetables, canned foods and cereal will go a long way towards reducing the obesity crisis in this country especially child obesity. Welfare has been wildly abused and has become nothing more than an indirect subsidy to the Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola companies. There should also be more stringent standards placed on those who qualify for such a card, too many people don't have money for milk but do for their Swisher Sweets.
A New WPA - America is ripe for a new infrastructure to supplement the old, the construction of a nation-wide high speed rail network as well as the repair of thousands of old bridges and roads. The government should provide workers with a valid alternative to the private sector that doesn't involve shooting people in the middle-east.
Public Executions - One look through the various crime-ridden neighborhoods shows the flagrant disrespect for the law in this country. Public hangings outside the police stations in these neighborhoods for the viewing of the general public would go a long way towards instilling the fear of law that has become nonexistent.
End Subsidized College Loans - The government in all it's wisdom has contributed greatly to the problem of runaway college tuition costs by guaranteeing subsidized loans to any student which in turn gave colleges license to charge whatever they wanted. The government should end this practice while also going after predatory private lenders and this will ensure that Colleges focus on education and affordability rather than multi-million dollar sports stadiums.
Immigration Reform - Legalize those immigrants who are already here, mass deportations are wildly inefficient and costly. Replace the quota system with giving those people in countries with similar values to ours an easy time to immigrate here, countries like those in Europe and the Americas as well as Sub-Saharan Africa and a few others. But restrict it to close to zero for everyone else.
End Foreign Commitments - An immediate withdrawal from NATO as well as all other foreign commitments with the exception of keeping our seat in the UN security council with the orders to stay there and veto any resolution condemning or taking action against the US. An end to American imperialism would let us focus on our own problems and in the end would help us from being overstretched and destroyed like all other Empires of the past.
Childless Tax - One of the many ways to improve the birthrate would be to at the age of 35 start taxing individuals for being childless, exceptions will be made to the clergy, those with disabilities and the exceptionally ugly. The tax should be raised for those individuals reporting pets in their home, the phenomena of pets, especially cats replacing children must be dealt with to prevent societal decay.
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