The Terrors of the Future
The next 5 or 10 years are tame when it comes to the terror of my imagination on what could end humanity. Sometimes I have a thought exercise, if I could place myself and humanity in an ideal period of time where the progress of technology could be frozen where would it be? After some thought the answer that came to me was somewhere around the 1910s or 20s where the technological tradeoff had been decisively to the benefit of humanity, where illnesses that once ravaged us like malaria and plague had been cured and the populations of the world were trending upwards. The greatest war known to man at that point only killed about 2.2 percent of the global population before exhausting all of the great powers, some into collapse. Why the early 20th century and not sometime later where more advances in medicine and better commodities were more readily available? The answer to that of course is the invention of the nuclear bomb, technological progress in 1945 reached a point where humanity had been given the ability to end it's own existence in one war. Since 1945 we have all lived on the knifes edge of chance, literally chance where we have relied on the rational saneness of certain state actors not to launch us into Armageddon, so far quite fortuitously we haven't been all killed.
The year is 2023 and we are on the verge of a new Cold War, in 30 or 40 years I see us with a distinct disadvantage in technological parity with China. The reason for this is our morality, for all the degeneracy of the population and that goes doubly for the government, we still live off the corpse of Christendom and our subconsciousness is informed by the lessons of our ancestors as testament to this we have placed restrictions on certain areas of scientific research like cloning and stem cell research. China because of its godless atheism and lack of morality has no problem with unethical research reminiscent of that performed by the Japanese in the Second World War. That is to say nothing of course of the world being shut down for 2 years with millions of dead via a Chinese lab security fuckup. While the US is wrangling with its own ethical concerns, China will become the leader of development in things such as gene-editing which will be used to create a race of superhumans, as well as ruthlessly developing its AI programs to increase its internal security making them invulnerable to internal structural change. China is already closing the gap with the United States on research and development with most of our bloated military budget going towards pensions and planes instead of counteracting the threat of China. Humanity moves ever forward all the time, no one country can go ahead and stop the technological march towards extinction because it will put itself at a disadvantage relative to its neighbors. With technology we have reached a point of diminishing returns, the further we go the more we risk the destruction of our species.
The far future seems to hold nothing but ever more ways for humanity to eliminate itself in one blow, chief among these possibilities is sentient AI that will seek to eliminate us, or the integration of AI into conventional weapons, as well as various other possibilities such as a far more deadly lab leak than Covid, even so called "good" potential inventions such as the extension of the lifespan by microbes will bring about huge generational strife. The future does not look good, our possibilities include human extinction by scientific hubris and stupidity or Chinese domination. Our only hope is for a decisive defeat of China and quick world unification under a regime that restricts scientific advancements in certain fields or at least slows them to a point where the default in society is not technological advancement at all costs. As well as focuses on developing space travel and colonization for the dispersal of the human race across many planets so as to make mass extinction a remote possibility.
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