The Legacy Of The 1980s
My formative years were dominated by the 1980s, the smiling gentle image of Ronald Reagan, the warm waves he recieved from cheering throngs of supporters, a Middle America of hard working plumbers and doctors and steel mill workers. The omnipresence of the red, white and blue against the existential foreign threat of Communism. In my childhood, that is the America I thought existed, that still existed, of course I was born near the turn of the millenium with no experience of the 80s, I had devoured the Fox News Propaganda, as well as that from the endless swarm of GOP Presidential candidates who would quote Reagan for every policy question. I remember in College I had attended a meet and greet for a Republican running for Governor and someone had asked him "what relevance is Reagan to someone who wasn't even alive during his Presidency?" the question seemed to have stumped him as he largely ignored it and went on some long-winded diatribe about "freeing industr...