The Polish Election
Well it's happened of course, the eventual culmination of the conditions of the Polish PIS party has fulfilled itself in the most predictable of fashions. I write this as the first exit polls have released showing an outright defeat for the PIS as well as a terrible showing for my favored Konfederate party, but even if somehow the exit polls are tremendously wrong as they were in Slovakia one month ago the failures are still the same if this was even a conversation.
PIS has made the classic mistake of underestimating it's enemies, using the faulty underlying assumption that its party would be popular enough to sustain any election challenge at any time with their fingers on the scales. Their assumption that complete control of the news narrative on television will matter as much in 2023 as it did in 2015 or 2000 or any year before that, same with radio, PIS has the same problem the Republican party has in assuming its voter coalition represents a constant unchanging silent majority that could be tapped into at all times with sufficient campaigning. This is erroneous, PIS has numerous structural inadequacies that has made it's claim to be "far-right" laughable.
We start with the man at the top, Mateusz Moriawiecki....or is he? Of course we all know the true leader of PIS is Jaroslaw Kascinski the Patsy Parisi of Poland. But herein lies the problem, the outright aknowledgement that the Prime Minister is indeed a puppet of a man too unpopular to face the public as leader is already a structural defiency with a stench of weakness. A true leader would not hide as Kascinski does. Kascinski himself governs with faulty ideological prepositions for making of the "fourth republic" with supposedly strong roots in the Catholic Church and conservatism, naturally a Catholic Republic is a contradiction in terms, it is at its core a degenerate and modernist type of government which never stays true to the Catholic tradition. Take Ireland for instance which for 70 years was supposedly a Catholic Republic until suddenly in the 90s several referendums destroyed the power of the Church, this has happened either by a referendum or by victories of leftists in parliamentary elections that cause them to secularize society by law, reforms that never get reversed by so called Christian Democratic parties when they return to power. Take Meloni in Italy for instance of the supposed "far right" has she banned divorce? has she made abortion illegal? has she at least made Catholicism the State Religion of Italy again? No, she has not done any of that because Meloni is not of the right at all. Returning to Poland, we see that Kascinski is one of those Conservatives who will from time to time gain electoral success and are hubristic in that moment, because they have caught a public sick with leftists at just the right time, think of Harper in Canada or Howard in Australia, who will ultimately achieve nothing of note and will be swept up with the tide.
The PIS did have some redeeming qualities, their interest in the birth rate for instance was well intentioned but it was clear that they had no solutions other than to throw money at the problem. Orban in Hungary narrowly views this issue as well and shares many of the same structural weaknesses as the PIS, most notably the lack of the monarch. This instinct and of their economics they can be called "leftists of the right", they correctly saw some of the problems with the current world order capitalism of the modern world but had few solutions other than to institute a welfare state in the Christian sense rather than the atheistic leftist sense. PIS then was wise to the Peronist electoral formula of being economically anti-capitalist and socially conservative that has been the rarely tried overwhelming winner in electoral contests. Their luck though which really should have ended in the recent Presidential Race between Duda and his challenger has ended and it is probably for the best. In electoral defeat one can best analyze the mistakes of the past and plan for victory again, a victory which then does not thereafter lose, this is what happened to Orban, I believe in his losses in 2002 and 2006 after he had tasted power. He has crafted his system to never lose again, with a deciseveness that is lost on the PIS Poles who for 8 years hve had time to manipulate the system and have not done a satisfactory job.
So it goes for the much villified "far-right" spectre haunting the EU who has gone in the sunlight without having done much of anything, indeed where are the labor camps? How many degenerates have been totally excluded from society? Has Marxism been completely and utterly eradicated from the Fatherland? If this is the "far-right" in 2023 I am sorely disappointed.
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