The Salt of the Earth

     When people usually have discussions on the birth rate it is usually framed through the lens of scarcity, "if so and so had their needs met they would surely have more children". The truth is however that the opposite is true, when closer to the edge of death, the more children tumble out of the womb. 

    Surplus has been the goal of every economic system developed or naturally occuring with an eye towards human progress and development. To pursue one's labor and to take home something extra at the end of the day. This impulse is natural, everybody wants to get ahead in life. We have reached in Western and East Asian societies something of an equilibrium point, where the value of one's labor has exceeded that of providing an individual comfort, enough to live life without the edge of death. 

    The enemy of the right is not socialism or communism more generally. It was and always has been the liberal world system. Socialist materialism is simply the symptom of the liberal disease, not the cause of it. From Trotsky to Lenin to modern fellows like keyboard warriors, all of them are wrapped in the red cloak of excess, they are middle class and have had time to think about righteousness without the requisite poverty. Leftism more broadly has never come from below, it comes from excess and wealth which are diseases of the soul, the Lord has told us as much. 

    Atheism and Homosexuality are moral deficiencies created by wealth, Gen Z has something like a quarter answering that they are homosexuals, how many of them sit around all day doing nothing but look at a screen, how many of them have a job? The rise of youth homosexuality can be directly attributed to an increase in disposable income and a decrease in labor participation. 

    The State must then, act not as a checkbook to guarentee excess and decadence. But as a grindstone to keep the people on the perpetual edge of mortality. Mao had the right idea with his return to the countryside campaign, society would benefit immensely if college aged people were given hard physical labor for the development of the nation. The state too must be on the forefront of exploration, to Mars and other planets and beyond, to create a challenge that will fill the people spiritually so that they may rise to it. 

    And so then wealth must be seen for the evil it is. Japanese society had the right idea when it put merchants at the bottom of a caste system and warriors at the top. One can easily see how world capitalism has hollowed out the Japanese spirit. For the American spirit to rise we need a government that puts an end to the wealth/surplus agenda and drives its people back to the frontier, for once we sit on a mountain of gold we are as good as a dead civilization walking. 


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