The "Far-Right" Experiment Will Fail
The second domino in Western Europe has fallen with France now poised to elect a government of the so called "far-right" following the lead of Italy. One need not count the chaotic Dutch government formation process, as I am being charitable that any potential Wilders government will be so ideologically diluted that it can be seen as a standard centre-right party.
It is easy to get tripped up in these labels "centre-right", "far-right", "hard-right", I recently heard "farther-right" used unironically recently. With the term "far-right" in particular it is important to note that the term is a media invention concocted around 2015 with a view to delegitimize the candidacy of Donald Trump and the Brexit campaign and was subsequently applied to any party beyond the pale for the liberal establishment. Even Smer in Slovakia which has social democracy in the name and has always been left-wing nationalist is described as "far-right".
The liberal elite have created monsters of pygmys, FN in France and the Brothers of Italy while originally having some roots in actual right-wing politics have been thoroughly liberalized in the past two decades. This is also linked to having "women leaders" who should not even be members of any respectable right-wing party. This is reflected in policy positions, the RN have thrown out any semblence of right-wing politics in order to enhance their election chances from their opposition to homosexual marriage to their opposition to liberalized abortion.
But lets be honest, no one votes for these parties except for one reason, which is their stance on immigration. Meloni has done absolutely nothing on this issue, her commitment to any sort of right-wing politics is entirely rhetorical and devoid of any policy and substance. FN and Le Pen if she wins (which I doubt) will likely follow in Meloni's footsteps of being rhetorically anti-immigrant while not doing anything substantive.
The legitimate right needs to be in a position to distance themselves from these failure movements (Confederation has done this brilliantly in Poland) and be in a position to establish themselves as the beneficiaries of a collapse of the "far-right" to give rise to an actual right that will end the liberal order by any means neccessary.
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