
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Cowards of the Republican Party

 Election Day 2024 - Ron Desantis is elected President, with a healthy 330-208 margin in the Electoral College and an impressive showing in the popular vote only trailing about 2 million votes to the Democratic candidate. Republicans have also inexplicably gained supermajorities in both the House and Senate giving President-elect Desantis a tremendous mandate and ability to shape the country in his image.  2025 - President Desantis has used his majority in Congress to great effect in his first year passing a nationwide ban on the teaching of CRT as well as a ban on Transgender individuals competing in sports that do not match their biological sex. His first year in office is marked by a harmonious relationship with Congress and an extended honeymoon period which sees his approval rating stay above 50 percent the entire year. This is the year Mitch McConnell was discovered to have died in 2015, his ghost subsequently won the special election Kentucky called after the announceme...

The Terrors of the Future

      The next 5 or 10 years are tame when it comes to the terror of my imagination on what could end humanity. Sometimes I have a thought exercise, if I could place myself and humanity in an ideal period of time where the progress of technology could be frozen where would it be? After some thought the answer that came to me was somewhere around the 1910s or 20s where the technological tradeoff had been decisively to the benefit of humanity, where illnesses that once ravaged us like malaria and plague had been cured and the populations of the world were trending upwards. The greatest war known to man at that point only killed about 2.2 percent of the global population before exhausting all of the great powers, some into collapse.  Why the early 20th century and not sometime later where more advances in medicine and better commodities were more readily available? The answer to that of course is the invention of the nuclear bomb, technological progress in 1945 reached ...