
The "Far-Right" Experiment Will Fail

       The second domino in Western Europe has fallen with France now poised to elect a government of the so called "far-right" following the lead of Italy. One need not count the chaotic Dutch government formation process, as I am being charitable that any potential Wilders government will be so ideologically diluted that it can be seen as a standard centre-right party.     It is easy to get tripped up in these labels "centre-right", "far-right", "hard-right", I recently heard "farther-right" used unironically recently. With the term "far-right" in particular it is important to note that the term is a media invention concocted around 2015 with a view to delegitimize the candidacy of Donald Trump and the Brexit campaign and was subsequently applied to any party beyond the pale for the liberal establishment. Even Smer in Slovakia which has social democracy in the name and has always been left-wing nationalist is described as ...

The Salt of the Earth

       When people usually have discussions on the birth rate it is usually framed through the lens of scarcity, "if so and so had their needs met they would surely have more children". The truth is however that the opposite is true, when closer to the edge of death, the more children tumble out of the womb.       Surplus has been the goal of every economic system developed or naturally occuring with an eye towards human progress and development. To pursue one's labor and to take home something extra at the end of the day. This impulse is natural, everybody wants to get ahead in life. We have reached in Western and East Asian societies something of an equilibrium point, where the value of one's labor has exceeded that of providing an individual comfort, enough to live life without the edge of death.       The enemy of the right is not socialism or communism more generally. It was and always has been the liberal world system. So...

The Polish Election

       Well it's happened of course, the eventual culmination of the conditions of the Polish PIS party has fulfilled itself in the most predictable of fashions. I write this as the first exit polls have released showing an outright defeat for the PIS as well as a terrible showing for my favored Konfederate party, but even if somehow the exit polls are tremendously wrong as they were in Slovakia one month ago the failures are still the same if this was even a conversation.     PIS has made the classic mistake of underestimating it's enemies, using the faulty underlying assumption that its party would be popular enough to sustain any election challenge at any time with their fingers on the scales. Their assumption that complete control of the news narrative on television will matter as much in 2023 as it did in 2015 or 2000 or any year before that, same with radio, PIS has the same problem the Republican party has in assuming its voter coalition represents a...

The Legacy Of The 1980s

      My formative years were dominated by the 1980s, the smiling gentle image of Ronald Reagan, the warm waves he recieved from cheering throngs of supporters, a Middle America of hard working plumbers and doctors and steel mill workers. The omnipresence of the red, white and blue against the existential foreign threat of Communism. In my childhood, that is the America I thought existed, that still existed, of course I was born near the turn of the millenium with no experience of the 80s, I had devoured the Fox News Propaganda, as well as that from the endless swarm of GOP Presidential candidates who would quote Reagan for every policy question. I remember in College I had attended a meet and greet for a Republican running for Governor and someone had asked him "what relevance is Reagan to someone who wasn't even alive during his Presidency?" the question seemed to have stumped him as he largely ignored it and went on some long-winded diatribe about "freeing industr...

A Tactical Retreat

   Whenever I watch the inauguration of a new president I am drawn to the prayer given by the greying Bishop presiding over the ceremony, I think when will be the last time a Prince of the Church will be invited to such an occassion, a hundred years from now? two? Our Church is fast fading into irrelevancy and the aging hierarchy has barely noticed, reforms and reformers have shaped the Church to their whim to the dismay of elderly grandmothers everywhere who still cover their head in deference to God, to the embarassment of reformist prelates. From ritual to language to the very superiority of the Church as the true religion, everything has been shaken by the reformers except perhaps something fundamental, going all the way back to Constantine and Theodosius and continued to through the prayer of the greying Bishop - the Church-State collaboration.      The Church-State relationship should ideally be harmonious and complementary, with some examples being the ki...

The Cowards of the Republican Party

 Election Day 2024 - Ron Desantis is elected President, with a healthy 330-208 margin in the Electoral College and an impressive showing in the popular vote only trailing about 2 million votes to the Democratic candidate. Republicans have also inexplicably gained supermajorities in both the House and Senate giving President-elect Desantis a tremendous mandate and ability to shape the country in his image.  2025 - President Desantis has used his majority in Congress to great effect in his first year passing a nationwide ban on the teaching of CRT as well as a ban on Transgender individuals competing in sports that do not match their biological sex. His first year in office is marked by a harmonious relationship with Congress and an extended honeymoon period which sees his approval rating stay above 50 percent the entire year. This is the year Mitch McConnell was discovered to have died in 2015, his ghost subsequently won the special election Kentucky called after the announceme...

The Terrors of the Future

      The next 5 or 10 years are tame when it comes to the terror of my imagination on what could end humanity. Sometimes I have a thought exercise, if I could place myself and humanity in an ideal period of time where the progress of technology could be frozen where would it be? After some thought the answer that came to me was somewhere around the 1910s or 20s where the technological tradeoff had been decisively to the benefit of humanity, where illnesses that once ravaged us like malaria and plague had been cured and the populations of the world were trending upwards. The greatest war known to man at that point only killed about 2.2 percent of the global population before exhausting all of the great powers, some into collapse.  Why the early 20th century and not sometime later where more advances in medicine and better commodities were more readily available? The answer to that of course is the invention of the nuclear bomb, technological progress in 1945 reached ...